Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's over! Part 3 (EDIT)

Day 2 of 6E chalet
Since Aik Hwee was snoring loudly throughout the night, I didn't get much sleep. Kept my eyes closed and did some breathing exercises to stimulate chi flow through my meridian channels. At round 5 plus/6, detected some movement and almost did a single leg takedown on the person standing at the mattress edge. Identified the leg as a friendly leg belonging to either John or Matthew, and hence did not execute the potentially damaging technique. Hahahaha woke up with very cramped legs from the 1/2 cleistogamous flower position. Went to wash up and discovered that Fel, Matthew, Seiyee, John and Limying didn't sleep at all the previous night. They spent the night talking and someone mentioned something about me and an IJ girl. Hmmm..
Sat there with Matthew, watched Cheryl sleeep and listen to the background snoring provided by Aik Hwee.
At like 7 plus, Matthew and I planned to stop Aik Hwee from snoring by launching an aerial projectile, in the form of a pillow, at him. I took the first throw, but somehow I confused my longitudes with my latitudes, my stalagmites with my stalactites and kimono with yukuta, so I ended up hitting Limying instead, waking her up in the process. So sorry Limying! Luckily didn't disturb Cheryl's sleep. The pillow did narry a thing to even induce a change in frequency in Aik Hwee's snoring.
Talked to fel for a while and basically did nothing till 9. I think Cheryl woke up first, plonked back down for a while, then rose back up to go wash up, before plonking back down on the bed. Haha :) Had to return bikes by 10.30, so we were off at 10 plus.
Another useful bit of information I discovered that I'll probably never use is that it is more difficult bringing the bikes down the stairs then up. Yeps.

After returning the bikes, it was back to the room to escape to Escape. They were having their 8th anniversary so ticket price was only $8.80, and because Cheryl used her mom's card to book, we got 4 complimentary passes to Escape. :)

Escape looks exactly the same since I last visited it 4 years ago? We went on the roller coaster first just to warm up. Proceeded on to the Viking, where the only thrill was the mist fans blowing at you while you queued. Then we went on some spinning thingy. I had a revelation at this point; the reason why they call it Escape is because you're meant to escape from that place! It's quite boring. Hahaha Poor Seiyee sat alone in the spinning thingy. Centrifugal and inertia forces acted on him, making him slide all over the seat.
Next we went to the haunted house, which I didn't wanna enter at first cos I was scared. No seriously, I have hauntedhousenophobia. Entered cos the girls really wanted to go and have a look. While queueing up, the introduction video warning you not to take photos (the occupants of the house are sensitive to light) played 5/6 times.
They broke us up into 2 groups of 6 each, so as to prevent occupants from being disturbed I guess. I went with Cheryl, Jiayan, Fiona, Seiyee and Matthew(?). Walked at the back. Inside was pitch black, first thing I thought of was the pupil reflex action. Hahaha yea, so the girls were looking down on the floor and just following the person in the lead. I had to prevent Cheryl from knocking into the pillars. The presence of marshals made it a little anti-climatic. One guy was like "Anyone else in your group?" And I have to confess I was ever so tempted to say "Yea, the one behind me" and point into empty space. Hahahahaha But nay, I'm not so evil.
Anyway can you imagine working in a haunted house? You face the possibility of getting punched by freaked out people thinking you're a ghost, or just punching you under the pretext of self defense, or tripping over expensive props which could lead to your boss freaking out, or having fake blood accidentally spilled all over you and people thinking you're one messy eater.
BUT you get to work in an air-conditioned place and if your boss ever catches you sleeping in a corner, you always have the excuse that you're replacing the mannequin, which you accidentally broke before your pupil had enough time to dilate fully. Yeps.
Went to the "Wet N Wild" or "Wild N Wet" ride next. Sat at the front with Seiyee at the back. Waved at 2 random girls in the canoe in front of us. They kept waving back. Hahaha went a second time with Matthew, this time sitting at the back. Got really wet. Conclusion: Sitting at the back makes you wetter; sitting in front makes you get caught on camera. Yeps.
On the way out, someone wanted to try and win an overly sized Winnie the Pooh bear for another someone, because someone knew that the other someone likes Winnie the Pooh. *Yes it's a very complicated thing, almost like a food web on page 352 of the bio texbook.* Plan was for that someone to pay while I threw the hrings. It's that kind of get the ring over the bottle game. Due to certain circumstances, the plan fell through and the Winnie the Pooh was left dangling. That makes it more like Winnie the Pull! Hahahahaha XD

It was the last ride we took before we escaped from Escape. Some of us were feeling a little hungry and the plan was to go eat. Bought myself a nice cup of Chinese tea. The marvels of tea. :D Started helping Cheryl to collect the money for the chalet from the guys so it will be easier for her. Tze Han was left with $1 after paying his share.
Went back to room and started playing murderer. Listened to Shan & Ros while playing. Radio kept switching off by itself and needed a few shakes each time to continue playing. Screwed up the stacking of the cards. Original plan was to make Matthew murderer but lost track of the Ace cos Shan said something funny over the air and as fate would have it, it went back to Cheryl again for the second time in a row. Terribly sorry, glad I could explain it to you before you left. Hope you understand.

Lionel arrived. Finally met him for the first time since that fateful day. He's very tall now. But I'm quite happy with my height actually. :D
Went for dinner which was pineapple fried rice again for Seiyee and I. This time we got even portions. Haha it really is quite delicious! After dinner, went back to the room where I had to start studying. Managed to cover chapter 9, 15, and a little bit of 4, albeit skipping small portions. Studied for 2 hours till about 10, when some had to leave. Aik Hwee was leaving so we were all quite relieved. Hahaha not that we have anything against him but it meant no more snoring! I felt like leaving as well cos there was nothing much to do in the chalet but stuck around as Seiyee needed me. Hahahaha just kidding! That sounded wrong. We discovered a towel which I think is Cheryl's. Yeps.
Anyway I went to bathe and we played a few games of Indian poker before switching to those crazy orientation games. Started out with "Black Magic", which only Kerina, Fel and I knew the reasoning of. Hahaha had a lot of fun playing this. Mostly it was Kerina doing the questioning and I, answering. Hahahaha Evil twin (His name's Aaron as well) made it more confusing for the rest by throwing in possibilities of word syllables, word count, question count etc. Hahahaha Got one item wrong as Kerina referred to the T.V. screen as being black. But I thought it was grey. So guessed wrongly. Hahaha Cos it's difficult to exchange info without giving the secret away, a lot of weird terms came out like "changing the tone", "continuous variation", "discontinuous variation" etc. The variation part came about after the TV screen incident. Hahaha
Proceeded on to the "How many maa-maa jumped over the wall". Discovered an alternative method to it. Then it was the "Bang, who died" which went on for quite a while. Hahahaha but I guess the best one was the "Open-Close" one. Hahahaha that one was dang hilarious. Hahaha then Kerina did that "MRT" thing on me which was yea.. Hahahaha
*I have to thank John Tan and Wei Jee for teaching me all those orientation games. Hahaha we were playing it during bio class, when we were supposed to prepare for the O levels. Those were the days.. Hahahah missed Wei Jee a lot, dang amusing guy. Hahaha 433 rocks my socks which I weighed down with a rock! :D

Was feeling very sleepy. So I went to sleep. As to what happened after I doze off, you would need to ask those who were still awake if you wanna find out. OR you can listen about my dreams. :)

Day 3 above!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's over! Part 2

Another thing that is over is the 6E class chalet held on the 25th to 27th Nov at Costa Sands Downtown East. Hahahaha every time I think of Downtown East, I think of the "Quotes of Brian Lee". Miss 433 a lot!

First Day
Met the guys at Causeway at 12.40? Sorry for being late guys! Was held back for a while. Anyway took a bus to somewhere, and then took the MRT to Pasir Ris and walked to the chalet. Finally met Abraham for the first time ever since that fateful day. (It's also fated that I'm unable to remember which day that was.) Along the way, found out from Cheryl that Costa Sands actually has self check-in counters! Woops, so Cheryl's dad made a wasted trip, cos he was supposed to help us draw key. Sorry uncle!

Yeps, so finally checked into the room. We were all expecting something a lot bigger, but it was just a small room, with one toilet, one t.v., two beds plus 2 pull out mattresses. After settling in which is basically dumping all the stuff somewhere and sitting down, the t.v. came on cos I wanted to watch the 2.30 to 3.30 show on channel 8. Not that I understand what they're saying, it's just the princess is very cute! Especially when she smiles! Hahaha seriously! (Go watch it! Every weekday) :D So while everyone was thinking of things to do, I was watching the show and thinking of things to do (As in at the chalet, not to the princess). Initial plan was to go to Escape but it was getting kinda late, and they wanted to wait for others. So we went over to E Hub.

The girls went to sit on the indoor Ferris wheel which I guess can be quite fun if you tried to throw something upwards and timing it such that you can catch it back once you reached the highest point. The guys went bowling since there was nothing else to do. Played 2 games each. Saw Zenn and Samuel there as well. They were having their own tuition chalet. The girls disappeared for a while, think they went to eat. After finishing the bowling games, we went back to the room to play cards. I wanted to watch the "Ten Brothers" show on channel 8 but Lim Ying wanted to watch some show on channel U, so I let her have the t.v. while I went to study for the upcoming Diploma exam on Friday. Managed to finish Hofstede's Model and Porter's 5 forces.

Dinner was at the food court. Tried the Pineapple Fried Rice, recommended by Seiyee. It's quite nice. We were discussing why the guy at the stall gave him more, a nicer looking pot and a pot that doesn't spin each time you push it. Hahahaha we were quite bored.
Just then, we spotted some Xinmin people and asked Matthew to go over and say hi. He was like "No, then they will ask me where's Christabel?" There was a short pause as he kinda realised he just shot himself in the foot. Right up till then, I had no inkling about anyone called Christabel. Seiyee and I kinda realised that as well and started pestering him about it. Hahahahaha what a nice dinner topic.

Yeps, so after dinner, it was back to the chalet to play cards. Cheryl and Limying wanted to go night cycling. I had to decide between night cycling and studying. Finally decided on night cycling. Couldn't let the girls go out alone so late at night. Managed to persuade Seiyee to come along as well. Aik Hwee followed as well. So the 5 of us set off on a magical journey to far away Narnia. *cough* Sorry deviated for a while. Yea along the way, we met Zhiheng who gave us directions to go and rent the bikes. Thanks to him, we managed to find the bike rental shop.

Along the way, the whole usual ghost/spooky stuff came out but nothing actually happened. At the shop, we took quite a while to decide on the bikes cos there were few bikes left for us to rent and the owners didn't wanna take the clean ones out. I ended up with a bike that had a baby seat attached to it, Cheryl had this old WWII bike, Seiyee had a bike that didn't brake properly. So we set off for the park. Basically we just cycled around till they passed the playground where the rest wanted to go play the swings. I didn't follow though cos I hate sand so just paced around revising Hofstede's Model and Porter's 5 forces. While I was revising, this little cat came up to me, and went between my legs. I could tell it was a female, cos it was attracted to me! XD Hahahaha Cheryl and Aik Hwee came over and Aik Hwee started scaring the cat. Poor cat. Cheryl was trying to look at the cat while Aik Hwee was scaring it away. So the cat went on its way, cos evidently it thought that survival was more important than an attraction towards a human male. I guess that's what they call "Fatal Attraction". :D It's like natural selection, survival of the most adaptable.

So we cycled all the way back to the chalet where Seiyee and I had to haul up the bikes to the second floor. Had a little problem with Cheryl's bike cos it had a weird design. Took a while to figure the best way to lock the bikes. But finally night cycling was over and we headed back inside where the rest were still playing cards. Hahahaha I never could understand all that obsession with bridge; maybe it's because after you know how to cheat, any game will lose its flavour quickly.
Yeps, took my bath and spent quite a while persuading Seiyee to bathe, which he was reluctant to, even after night cycling. Hahaha

Then it was time to sleep. The girls took the bed while the guys mattresses. Tzehan, Aik Hwee and I were supposed to share one mattress. It was a very weird sleeping position as the wall prevented me from extending my legs fully. Aik Hwee, being small sized, had no problems curling up and taking half the mattress. Tze Han and I had to share the other half. I couldn't really sleep much throughout the night cos before I even droop off, Aik Hwee started snoring very loudly. I kept poking Tzehan to poke him, but I guess Tzehan was already sleeping so the message didn't get conveyed. Had to wake up a few times to reach over and nudge Aik Hwee. His snoring will stop for a while and before you can say "Snoring Sally Sells Super Slippery Sea Shells by the Seashore", the snoring will start all over again.
Besides it wasn't just the snoring; I had to sleep with my legs crossed. Imagine sitting cross legged, lean back and then hold it for 4 hours. It should be included as some advanced yoga position for its level of technical difficulty plus mental grit. I think I'll call it the half cleistogamous flower position. :)

Day 2 above!


It's over! Part 1

Finally after 2 long years of constant "hard work", suffering under long lectures with content heavy enough to create a "Yo mama so heavy.." joke on it and meeting many lecturers with a plethora of characters and jokes, DIPLOMA IS OVER!! I hope we can get our certs by the end of the year. The management is proposing we wait till the end of next year where we graduate officially with the rest of the adult students, which was shot down the moment it was proposed. I can't wait to see how the diploma would look like, hope it's printed on recycled paper! :D

Just to backtrack a little, we started on our last module, "Market Entry Strategies in a Globalised World", the day right after O levels ended. The module was very heavy on content and had extracts from previous modules, especially the marketing part. Our lecturer is quite nice, shared with us a lot of interesting stories, showed us a lot of whacky video clips (Simpsons!)and told us a lot about India. They gave us our notes in a binded book! I was hoping for a file, which looks a lot nicer. Anyway exam was quite alright, India came out and luckily what I studied during chalet came out! :D
I kinda miss our accountancy lecturer, Mr. David Goh. Though his voice is as dry as a dried-up Oxbow lake, it helps to deliver his punchlines effectively. He always mention about being poor and taking bus no. 11. Couldn't get it at first, until someone pointed out that 11 refers to your legs, so taking bus no. 11 means walking. Oh and once he was talking about financing, so he mentioned setting up a stall and selling 100 minus. Couldn't get it again, till someone mentioned it's a rip off of the drink 100 plus. Hahahaha Gotta love his jokes. :D
I still remember our first lecturer, Col Chan Chee Pong. He's one of the best! Very nice fatherly figure. Back then at Robinson Road, the campus was so much better than at River Valley! Miss the old campus.
Our lecturer for the mentoring module, Ms Sufi, is also very nice. She's the only lecturer that celebrates our birthdays with Sweet Recipe cakes and curry puffs from Old Chang Kee. Gotta love her thick Indian accent. :D
Ms Debbie Woon, our marketing lecturer, has to be the Best Dressed Lecturer. I remember first time I saw her, she was wearing leather boots with what-seems-to-be a safari outfit? That kind you wear to animal reserves in Africa. Yea, her eclectic dress sense that never fails to amaze me.
Oh and I have to mention Dr. Eric Lim, our lecturer for the module "New Venture Creation". Not because he stands out or anything, but because he gave me 94/100 for the exam! XD But yea, he's a very nice guy as well. :D
Somehow I realised the lecturers are actually nicer than some teachers in schools. I guess it's because they treat us as adults.

2 years of materials, 7 modules, 6 files and 1 binded book. :( Was hoping to add another file to my collection.

Last module!

Anyway, purchased the equipment needed for Krav Maga. I don't see myself wearing all that protection and fighting. I don't think I can even move after loading everything onto me. Tried kicking with the groin guard on; felt weird. I guess they really are groin guards; they guard your opponent's groin by preventing you from kicking properly. And I'm having a little identity crisis: I can't tell which goes where. The shin guards look like the forearm guards; the knee pads look like the elbow pads. Oh when I went to buy the equipment, the guy gave me a "Large" size for groin guard without asking. Hahahaha And yes it fits. Hahaha I'm starting to sound like those guys who love comparing the size of their mid-level appendages. BUT hey! I'm a Large size!! XD

I love the gloves. Very thick and nice. But I think I'm gonna get blisters wearing them cos the leather rubs against the webbing between the fingers each time I punch.

Oh and the whole set has the words "Krav Maga" emblazed all over it. If I wore the whole set, I guess I'll look like some walking advertisement for Krav Maga. But it's smart of IKMF(International Krav-Maga Federation) to come up with this little franchise like idea to increase profitability.
I need to decrease the time taken to wrap my hands, presently I take at least 15 minutes to do it. Should try to decrease it to 5 minutes. Yeps.


Thursday, November 13, 2008


Never thought I lived to say this, but yes, O Levels are finally OVER!!! After 4 long years of studying and 1 month of exams, my brain can finally degenerate properly without having to deal with the huge influx of information. And I can help to conserve the environment by recycling all my papers. :D That's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone, or as I like to put it, killing 2 stones with 1 kick. :)

Yeps, O levels was generally alright.

English- Can't remember much, I'm hoping it's okay?
E Math- I'm hoping it's okay too
A Math- Lost quite a few marks for paper 1.
Chemistry- Paper 1 was tougher than previous years.
Physics- Unconventional paper 2
Biology- Manageable
SS or Social Studies as the MOE calls it (if they didn't, I might have thought it was actually Singapore Studies)- Quite screwed as usual. The subject title doesn't really complement the content inside. They should just remove it as an examinable subject.
Lit- Not very well done, no time to write much.
Geog Elect- Lost 4 marks because I spent too long drawing meanders and didn't finish the last part of the last question.
Chinese- *Cough *twiddle thumbs (The yellow frame within the paper is quite nice though)

Yeps, hope the markers can read my handwriting.

Dang, Diploma lectures start tomorrow worse still, it's in the morning. :( On the bright side though(not because it's in the morning), there's only 1 module left before we get our diplomas! :D

So now with O levels out of the way, I can finally proceed on to after exam activities. I'm taking up Krav Maga for next 2 months. Krav Maga basically refers to a specialised ancient type of Babylonian-Polynesian pottery, which encompasses carving and sculpturing. The English word "Carve" comes from the ancient Babylonian word "Kravos", and the word "Pot" comes from "Magaros". Finally bought my textbook from Kinokuniya after bio paper. Still need to buy equipment. Can't wait to start classes! :D

I'll try and do the testimonials for the class like some time in the near future.


The Academy Is- About A Girl

Monday, November 03, 2008

My Chemical Romance- Famous Last Words