Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My life through the holidays..

oh well, time to update this blog..hmm..time hath passed so quickly!! Now, it's last week of Nov!! Oh noes!! then school will start!! ZOMG!! I haven't bought all my books and uniforms!! ARGH..Stressed..and holidays were supposed to be fun.. o____O

But yep, this holidays not bad.. No CCA training AT ALL!! YESS!!! No NCC!! =)))

So what have i been doing throughout holidays? Hmm. Watch lotsa television, play lotsa poker, invent new moves and flourishes like , practise new moves and flourishes, chat with Edmond and Yuki and occasionally, Ron, play squash, watch more t.v., practise more, watch movies. Yeps! That pretty much sums up what i have been doing for the past few weeks!! Interesting lifestyle eh? =P

Say.. soon i will be leaving for China..yeps.. going to some place called "Guilin". Purpose is to see scenery.. o.O no wait, scrub that.. my mum and aunts wanted to go just going along for the wait.. make that going along for the flight.. =)

So i nid to go China and get some new shirt(s), shoe(s), bag, card(s) if any----> i hope the airline company will have cards!! So i can play poker on the flight.. maybe i can do card on ceiling? then later get sued for vandalising the plane.. @____@ Dang.. Yeps.. I hope China sells cards!! Then buy at least 24 or 2 cases of cards!!

Hope i will come back from China in one piece!! o.O

Peace!! =)

Monday, November 20, 2006


It was another poker game to remember!! At around 2.30 p.m. of Sunday(yesterday), i won back my $7000 worth of chips from my dad!! After playing like 4 hours, i won it back!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!! i am feeling very high now!! okie.. i cheated in the 2nd round. I mean, it was really tempting. I told myself, "no cheating!" But i couldn't resist!!! BUT i only cheated in a few 45% of the 60-70 rounds? *gives a wide eyed look* *blink*

So we started another game, this time adding more to the stake. Each player started with $12000 worth of chips. So we played. Played from 3 to 4 plus, till my mum got home. Continued after dinner, right up to 9, stopped for rest, started again at 10 till 11, and that was when the one of those great game moments appeared. In the final round, both of us had similar straights. We had 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. In poker, the 1st card dealt is face-down. So you had to do some guessing and calculations to make an intelligent guess of what ur opponent's card might be. I knew from my dad's body language that he had a straight. He thought it would be impossible for me to have a similar straight as he did. So he pushed forward $2000 worth of chips. And i did the same. So he flipped my face down card and saw that i had a straight too! However, as my Ace was bigger than his, i won!! So i scooped up the chips. And he decided to call it a day... =)

We continued the game from last night. The only way to actually win an entire game, was to make the other player bankrupt, or just keep raising the bet so your opponent would have lesser and lesser chips to bet, and then bankruptcy. So we plodded on with the game.. starting at 9, stopped at 11.30. And the best game moment arrived!! The one that made me so high!! It would always arrive at the last round.

I had a 10-Ace Straight. And my dad had Ace, Ace, 10, Queen, and 1 card face down. To him, it seemed as if i had 10, Jack, Queen, Ace, and 1 card face down. So i pushed $4000 worth of chips forward. And he was about to fold or abort that round, which means all his chips that he had bet would be taken by me. And as he reached forward to flip his cards face down, indicating a fold, i stopped him. And then i started my manipulative sales pitch. It went along the guildine of the possibilities of me having a King to complete the straight. I gave him fact and figures, statistics and stress. I even pulled in some poker strategy about deceptiveness To complete the nice little lecture, i reached over, grabbed his chips and laid it on the table. And i asked him that simple but highly tempting question: "So what will you say? To take a risk or regret terribly after this?" And that's when he burst.

He decided to take a gamble and found out to his despair that i indeed had a King to complete the straight. And as i scooped my winnings from the central pool, i laughed evilly... MUHAHAHAHA!!

I feel kinda bad tricking me Dad BUT this is a sport that you win through a lot of tricks. =)


K, so we are gonna continue the poker game tomorrow after i wake up. Tomorrow's gonna be poker marathon since my dad's not working tomorrow as well.. o.O Hopefully, i will win this whole game and continue on to another! =))


Saturday, November 18, 2006


okay, i just got back from a round of poker with my dad. ARGH!! I lost $7000 worth of chips to him!!

So there we were, playing poker game after game to see who would go bankrupt. And on the last round, i lost $1000 to him. This was what happened..

Dang. This was what happened. I had a pair of Kings. And he had 1 face down card, 1 Face up 7, 2 face up 10s and 1 queen. So i thought "hmm.. he only seems to have a pair of 10s, which my kings could beat.. could he have another pair? Very Unlikely." So i pushed forward all the rest of my chips totalling $1000. And he matched it(which means he pushed it the same amount as i did)!! And...

Yep! The face down card he had was another 7. So he had 2 pairs. Dang. So i lost. Terribly. =((((

ARGH!! kk, i am pissed.. =((


Saturday, November 11, 2006


This super long post is to all 207 peeps.. I will not point talk about bad points..let the year end on a good note.. =) Peace!!

Firstly, this is to Ms. Lim, our form tutor. We all know that you are a very nice and caring teacher. You may be old but you are certainly young at heart. Look at it, how many 57 year olds travel around on a motorbike? You are the best teacher i have ever met, though your teaching methods are a bit strict. =P oh ms lim? where are our results slips u promised to give us on the 10th? @@

(in index order)
Ronald- Wheew, was nice meeting you and sad..we have to part ways..awww..nvm, ur class is just next to mine..have fun wif Si Rong!! Must visit!! WOOF!!
Edmond- EDDY!! lawl, u will be happy in 335, just dun think too much about it.. =) Visit me too!! aww.. go play wif grayson..WOOF!!
Aaron- You're the best!! woots..say i am talking about myself here*ego*.. =P woots.. haha lawl.. Si Rong- Nice chubby wubby teddy bear!! Will miss seeing you crushing and getting pwned by Po Chih. =P You were really hardworking for math..admired your attitude.. =) visit me!!
Josias- lawl, jos, funny dude..always "doorknob" here and "doorknob" there.. =P *Victoria* (cough)
J P- U have a future in NCC(Air).. Hope your knee will heal!! =)
Nishanth- You told me you wanted to be a doctor once..Gd luck for it!!
Jeremy- JEREMEE GORENG!!! i had lotsa fun with you..i love the little phone wars we had where you would insult me and call me any animal that pops into ur mind, and i will do back unto u too!! U are real nice!! =) kk hippo? roll by anytime my class kk? =D
Jia Lei- U are actually quite nice to get along with..just don't get too excited and shout while in public.. it's a bit...haha but yeah..nice little guy.. =) dun be disappointed in ur Sec 3 class kk?
Caleb - Ah yes..Caleb.. it's actually very amusing to talk to you..cos you behave downright it makes conversation with you very colourful and interesting.. =) haha
Lee Xun- u have leadership potential..must use it wisely!! have fun wif ur NCC(Air) cadets next year!! =P
Nathaniel- and your pink cute fuzzy wubby wabbits..i still don't get the tune to that's like a tongue twister? anyway, let ur hate for you-know-who point hating him for something small.. k? have fun!! =)
Hao Pu- u r actually very me..cough..haha =P must go visit hong kong one of this days..
Zenn- ZENNY!!! lol.. hm.. i really wonder what happened while you were at the barber's.. u turned weird after that haircut.. =) haha aww..i won't be in the same class as you..but we are neighbours!! remember to come visit me anytime!! =D
Prabu- lawl, u taught me the word "lawlz"..lawlz.. 1 day let's go pk..that's if i am still playing that game.. lawl QQ
Kenneth- dude, you must speak up more!! lawl..kk let's go pk 1 day wif the RS gang.. kk hippo? =)
Ben- wa.. how come your math so good? must teach me.. then i can teach u lawl.. work hard in 331!! pwn the rest and show 207-ers are the BEST!! =)
Hui Wen- hey neo!! lol.. oaky..i know you are very need to keep harping on that.. =P haha elina*cough* o.O
Adthiya- er..u are a potential lawyer.. just don't do those weird thingys in court k?.. @.@
Raaghav- ah nei.. please don't go pulling your new classmates around in a circle while ppl are what you did to me..say.. haha lol.. =) each time you run over, i must run away.. =P
Shannon-'re in the same class as jeremy.. lol.. come over and visit sometimes!!
Shan Jin- wow..must not be so hot tempered k? aww... cool.. let's have a bey-battle wif ron someday.. let it rip!! *rip* er.. QQ haha lawl..
Doug man- hey you serious bout going to 321? gd luck!! u are like a saviour to some1 looking for a place in 336.. hope you might meet HER one day..somewhere.. =)
Jireh- hey jiraffe.. lol..oh must visit me in 333 k jireh? lol just look out of the window.. *static*Jireh, do you read me, i repeat do you read me? lol.. you and ur soldier walkie talkie thingy.. lawl.. =) will miss u, my tall classmate who sits behind me... =P
Jeffrey- JEFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! lol.. i will miss calling u that.. must be more proactive..then can get staff sergeant..pwn shen shin's posterior for me and jeremy k? =) yeah man jeffrey.. finish the fight.. that's the way.. that's my boy.. ?! woots.. kk hippo.. =D
Freddie- FREDD!!! i will mis ur giggling at the back of the class.. @@ haha lawl.. pop by me class anytime u are free!! one day.. play squash wif me k? =)
Li Ren- wow..luckily u are not in 334..cos SiRong is in there.. SiRong will destroy u .. QQ lawl.. visit me anytime u like k? gd luck wif ur you-know-who.. not voldermot.. i'm talking about HER.. =P see ya!
Ying Zhang- ying zhang!! rest ur legs man.. later u grow up, ur knees start to hurt.. don't run too much.. =) haha lawl..quit ur X-country.. join Brisk Walking!! >.> haha woots.. have fun!!
Poh Peng- PP!! lawl..dun scratch ur head too much k? very bad for hairgrowth.. @@ haha lawl.. ur chinese jokes very lame...just like my english jokes..=P haha
Lucas- LUCY!!! lawl.. lalala.. must share some lame jokes wif me once u hear of any k? =)
Po Chih- CHIH CHIH!! aww.. i still prefer calling u poch.. lol.. sirong's head was in between ur legs during ACE and at night?! what were u 2 doing? ah.. i know.. you 2 were slping.. @.@ lamee.. lol keep poking me.. pop by one day k?
Zuhaili- hey zuh.. dang.. why u nvr come to 333 wif me? now i am all alone.. sigh.. nvm. have fun in ur class k? oh.. keep up ur progress in chinese!! u can do it!! yep!! =)

So that's it!! The dedications to each and every member of 207!! Remember me!! Aaron!! <.<


posting results..

Woke up at 6 a.m. on friday to prepare to go to school to take my posting results. Got into 333(English TDP)..zomg..i got to take 9 subjects?! Cool, i got my humanities option---> Full lit and geog elect.

Hmmm, if i did not go for TDP, i would be in 334! With all my other 207 friends!! Now, i am the only person from 207 going 333..sad fate..Will miss you guys!! =) especially index 1,2 of 207!! Or rather..DA DOGGIES!!! Woof..Woof.. but i can run to your classrooms anytime cos we are neighbours!!

poor edmond..he did quite well but went to 335..he should have gone to's rather weird how they post those with lesser average are allowed to take one more humanities subject..while the good ones are not allowed to..hmm..and appealing doesn't work..Someone in your desired must agree to switch places with you before you can appeal for a switch of they kinda wasted paper printing appeal forms.. =( poor least you still have jeremy? and shannon to accompany you..i don't have anyone.. poor me.. QQ

Anyway, we are going to Guilin for holiday!! Now..i know what you are gonna be thinking when you read that sentence. You are gonna be like, "What is Guilin?" Well, Guilin is somewhere in China..Yep, my mum and aunties were discuusing on where to go for holidays..First it was Italy, then Russia, then it jumped to Nepal(?!), then to India, then to JiuZhaiGou(china..), then to present Guilin... Weird or weird? @@

Yep!! Cheers people!! Good luckfor next year!! Miss you guys!! =P


Sunday, November 05, 2006

ACE camp 2

Okay..all these are based on reports from people who went for ACE camp 2.

1) For the first time ever, enter the Tent Slasher. (lightning flashes) Yep. According to sources, there was a tent slasher running amok at night slashing tents. @@ The weapon was a Swiss or jack knife. If the tent slasher had slashed deeper, he would have slashed someone's brains. The real tent slasher wasn't caught. But the main suspect had to squat for long hours. Hmmm..i think everyone had to squat.

2) Commando was banned from the camp!! Apparently, he punished a boy too severly for being slow in morning physical training. The boy is rather big in size, therefore hindering his running speed. So Commando made him lie on the muddy slope, head facing downwards towards the tents(the tents r at the bottom of the hill. The teachers stay at the top.) Mr. Arul and Mr. Nathan saw from the top of the hill. And later that night, i think they told Commando to leave the camp to go back to Singapore. He went back to SJI on friday to apologise. Oh well

Had a real long chat with Edmond and Ron about life. Ron lfeft after a while to go back to maple, while me and Ed continued. Life is actually a very weird thing. Full of coincidence and shrouded in mystery. We came to a conclusion. Some might ask themselves, "What is life? What exactly is this thing?" Our conclusion is, "The questions are infinite, and so are the answers. The answers that unravel will always be mysteries. It's impossible to unlock this code to this mystery. Sure. We decide our own destiny. But along the way while deciding, things just so happens that we choose one part of our life to be that way. The fact that we choose, shows that there's alternative(s). And it's just so coincidental that we choose the first, not the second. And this affects our life. In turn, we affect others. This deep mystery of life is just so impossible to crack because we cannot understand ourselves, let alone the meaning of life."

It's really mind and soul boggling. oh well.
