Sunday, July 29, 2007

COoool.. SJI bagged prizes in all 4 categories of the Lit festival on saturday!! Mrs Beryl Ang and Mr. Ghazali will be treating us all to lunch!!! YAY!! :)

attended precision drill squad(PDS) training on thursday.. yeps.. when everyone else were taking advantage of the early release and going town.. it was raining cats and dogs and water.. and the bus driver wouldn't reverse to fetch us from the school gate.. so alec, damien and i had to run 70m towards it in the rain in our full no.4 and bags.. :( was dripping like a tap when we finally got on the bus.. luckily the rain stopped before the training started if not we would be spinning rifles in the rain.. not a very pleasant thought.. wow.. found out we are actually practising to perform during the SAF open house.. nvr knew that.. our instructor was a master sergeant from the MP PDS.. he's real good at it. omg the rifles are dang cool.. i think they are mark v rifles.. and they are real old.. dating back to world war 1/2? They are even heavier than the rifles used now.. Cooool.. some people had rifle parts dropping off the rifle.. yeps.. they are antiques.. wheew.. training was fun but tough.. we had to hold the rifle in the same position till everyone had the same angle before we proceeded to the next step and my arms almost fell off cos it was so cramped up.. now it's okay though.. took a few days to recover..

had a very slack training on friday.. played soccer and practised the pds routine with the school's wooden rifle, which is a not very accurate representation of the real PDS rifle.. thought of a few moves to be added into our performance routine.. yeps.. we have to perform during the next school event.. cooool.. i came up with this dancing round your rifle thingy which both alec and i thought was rather spastic..

common tests are so close i can hear their breaths.. sigh.. must go mug..

hmm..wonder why u don't come online nowadays.. u must be busy..

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ouch.. my head hurts.. my ass hurts.. my back hurts.. dang during touch rugby today, i was running forth with the ball, went on to the wet patch and slipped and i fell on my ass, bounced off the ground, fell on my head this time and my brains are now shaken.. worse still, there was a math test during the course of the day and my brain juices were kinda flowing around in my skull during the test.. stil having headache now.. :( lesson learnt.. i will bring my boots and wear them the next time round though they are kinda small and old.. (i need new boots!!) better sore feet then splattered brain..

dang there's pds training tmr in full no.4!! i was supposed to watch harry potter tmr!! ARGH.. now must postpone it to next week.. hope it's still screening.. :) yay.. finally finished deathly hallows.. such a masterpiece.. yeps..


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Back from Renaissance.. wow.. cool concert.. though it was a bit screwed up.. hahahahha the video could not play when it was supposed to play, and the sound didn't come on when it was supposed to come on.. hahahaha

i love the "We are the fumblers" song by the SJI military band alumni.. The song was created to "celebrate" one of the most eventful parades in SJI's history.. first the band was late for the parade, 2 guys fainted just waiting for the band to arrive... then one bass trombone player suffered heat exhaustion and the SJI/St pat's combined band broke formation.. then the drum major dropped his mace.. After the parade, the drum sergeant went right home with the band room keys.. so the whole band waited till half past 12 midnight just for him to return with the keys.. some parents called the police over their "missing" children.. yeps.. so it was all a big fumble.. dang coool parade..

More photos:

Lennart Green's autographs on my decks!!

OOh, i bought this old magic magazine today.. it's dang cool..

That's the cover page.. Yeps.. it's the original print!!

That's how old the mag is.. before i was even born!!

Yeps, and i still am dang pissed at the phone incident.. Yes, a teacher catches a student using the phone in class. There are so many ways to proceed. 1) Confiscate his phone immediately. 2) Confiscate his phone, then inform the parents. 3)Confiscate his phone and inform the class tutor. I think she should have done no.3. At least inform the form tutor before going straight to the head of level. It's like jumping authority when you just go immediately to the head of level without the courtesy of discussing the course of action with the form tutor. Oh when something negative like confiscation of phones is taking place, it is only polite not to stand there and smile, as though it is like some funfair taking place.


Friday, July 20, 2007

OMG today's the most unluckiest day of my life.. EVER. I'm dang freaking pissed.

Disclaimer: The content below is entirely based on personal opinions and does not constitute part, or wholly to flaming. As the diary puts it, the final interpretation of the content rests with the author himself, namely me.

Wei jee was caught playing with his phone during elect class and C.L. not only confiscated his phone, she told B.T., who is the acting head of level. So B.T. storms in during math and made everyone stand up with hands in the air, like criminals. Then he started going on about the school rules and stuff and made everyone surrender their phones, which he confiscated. He collected round 20+ phones and he didn't give back our sim cards.. Yes, school policy dictates that the sim card must be given back to students upon confiscation. So he's not acting in cohesion with school policy. To make it worse, he barred us from bringing our phones to school for the rest of the term or year. He also threatened to keep our phones until the end of the year. Oh and she was still standing there with a smirk on her face. How lovely.

Those who did surrender their phones are also not allowed to bring their phones to school. So they got punished for obeying the school rules. Highly ironical. So basically what has happened is that from 1 guy being punished to 20+ guys' phones getting confiscated to 35 guys not being able to bring their phones to school? Wow. This matter has clearly been un-clearly blown out of proportion.

The head of level wouldn't do such a thing. He would give us a warning and then do some spot checks here and there just to make sure. Where did the spirit of community, which is ironically located among the 3 core values, disappear to? How can there be community when forgiveness is not included? For such a small matter, it has been blown up to a big issue. Sure, we flouted one of the rules. Nevertheless, a mountain out of a molehill, i say.But it's only the first time for our class no? All the other classes would surely churn out the same or even more number of phones not being surrendered before lessons start.

Poor wenhan, he got suspended from the prefectorial board because he didn't surrender his phone. The suspension was carried out in a very cruel and unkind manner, asking him to strip out the tie and badge in front of the whole class. A personal talk outside the class would have been much better.

Great, we have a concert tomorrow at the NUS cultural centre which ends at round 9-10. How do we contact our parents? Through almost non-existent public phones? Through the borrowing of a friend's phone that has probably been borrowed many time?

Sure we are to be blamed for not surrendering our phones but even more surely is that the matter per se has not been settled in a satisfying and compromising way.

Disclaimer: Once again, everything you have read above is based on personal opinions being typed out and should be in no way regarded or interpreted as flaming material. Any hint of sarcasm or insult detected is based on reader's personal interpretations and should not be stated as factual.

Anyway, today's racial harmony day was fun, as usual. We were treated to a screening of Hotel Rwanda which i think is one of the best movies ever. dang nice.. Tutsis versus Hutus. War is really a stupid thing altogether. Yeps.


Monday, July 16, 2007

it's been a long time since i blogged!! Yeps, last wed, i attented the Lennart Green Magic lecture at City Bayview hotel from 7.30-10.30p.m.!! omg it's the coolest lecture ever!! and my parents were cool to let me go for it even on a school day!! :) Lennart Green, who is from Sweden, is considered one of the masters of magic, especially for cards. When he was still unknown, he performed during the Federation Internationale des Societes Magiques or FISM international competition and was disqualified because the judges thought he cheated during the performance because everything he did was just impossible!! 3 years later,he joined FISM again and this time he allowed the judges to shuffle the cards and was finally awarded the coveted World Champion Close up Card Magician.. Yeps, that's how good he is!! The function room was cold... dang cold.. finally he walked in and wow.. he is a real nice guy!! his english was quite fluent though he's swedish.. and he's reallll funny.. hahahhaha

the master before his perfomance..

That's one of his most famous effect, he will be blindfolded and will pick out the cards in order belonging to any suit called out from a shuffled deck!! He claims the thing sticking out is to maintain contact with the mothership.. XDD

Yeps.. hahahahha had the SJI info day on Saturday.. wow.. we had to introduce the diploma programme to parents and we had a lot of fun.. Alex was gushing over emma watson and katie leung and arjuna was gushing over emma watson... and i was gushing over the rocks like a waterfall..hahahhahaha XD we played golf as well!! with personal coaching from Mr. Chua!! hahahahha

went out with the cousins on sunday to go play tennis.. was playing and then it started drizzling..luckily it stopped after a while and we continued!! so fun.. i'm starting to like tennis!! hahahhaaha went to auntie's house to grab a drink and i drank like $10 worth of wine? hahahahah after that we ate durian!! yeps..i know.. alcohol and durian = recipe for disaster.. but nothing happened!! :D hahahha then the topic of the conversation swung from my phone's unlock code to why people consume alcohol.. hahahaha yeps.. random topic.. and all the coool stories came forth!! hahahahhaha :D


Friday, July 06, 2007

omgomgomg there's this guy on the SMC forums selling a deck of Jerry Nugget's playing cards for only $180!!! omgomgomg i want that deck!!! it's a card collector's dream!!! ARGHHHH!!! i wanna get it!!

coool.. dad and mum bought this 3+2 Italian sofa set.. it's like cream coloured and i think the accent of the coffee table is not rich enough to complement it.. oh well maybe it's time to get a new coffee table!! :D i always wondered why they never call it a tea table.. TEA ROCKS!! yeps.. tea table sounds wayy cooler than coffee table.. XD


Thursday, July 05, 2007

ooh, timetable got reshuffled... hahahahaha k i'm lagging in the announcement of this.. wheeew.. so now we have 2 math, 3 sciences on the same day!!! and the 3 science periods are 1 after another.. omgomgomg.. we have p.e. for first period and we are not allowed to wear p.e. attire to school..which is rather sad.. :( hahahaha

ooh, they handed out the OBS forms today.. dang, it will be on 27th to 31st August.. which means we will miss out teacher's day celebrations and i will not be able to go back to WGPS!!! ARGH!! noooo.. unless i go for OBS Sabah.. which is 12 days.. nay.. i'll stick with the local one!! :)

yay!! our seats got reshuffled so now i'm sitting next to ARJUNA!!! hahahahahahah it's like hiking in bukit timah.. everyday's a new experience!! hahahaha he's danggg random, sometimes calling me "dear" and "darling" just to make me feel insecure.. i've no idea what he's talking about sometimes.. hahahahah and he acts dramatic just to entertain me? hahahahahha dang cool.. and George is sitting behind me!! hahahahahah so we are kinda laughing at Arjuna the whole day.. and george has a few names.. he can be called George, Ivan, Abraham, tomivan and potassium. hahahahahhah and his correction tape is called thomas..cos he borrowed his brother's correction tape and his brother's name is Thomas and it was stuck to the correction tape.. so when i wanna borrow it, i'll be like "George can u lend me Thomas?" then he will be like "i didn't bring thomas today, i brought George.." hahahahah like omg we 2 are seriously spastic.. George and Benjamin would be speaking in malay throughout the whole day to which Arjuna exclaims "It's sooo boring when they talk in malay, i can't eavesdrop!!" hahahahahahahahah omgomgomg and Arjuna will be telling me bout Ms Chia, Mr Kwang and Mr Ho.. it's entertaining sitting next to Arjuna!! hahahahahhahah

yay, anniversary parade is coming up on saturday!! soon we can take over and do anything!! hahahahhahhahaha yay!! finally after 3 years..


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Young Enterpreneruship challenge-national enterprise convention on saturday was quite fun!!! went to singapore polytechnic for the workshop.. woots realised i slotted in Terence instead of tze yang.. woops.. hahahah omg we need to come up with a business proposal by 13th july!! Big problem there.. cos we do not even have any idea of what to sell!! ARGH.. hahahaha must go cook up some weird invention...

MILKRun was fun!!! :) hahahaha was kept busy througout the whole of sunday just because of the stall.. hahahah everything was rather messy especially in the first part: the ice and drum were delivered wrongly, the ice were melting very fast cos i was too near them.. hahahahhahha XP, i had to order more drums to store the extra ice, ice mountain was sold out even though they were giving it for free somewhere else, had a lot of coke and sprite and green tea left over!! dang.. now i must re-sell it during anniversary parade which is on 07/07/07..(oh if u are thinking of buying a drink on that day, come on down to SJI at around 5+p.m., and buy a drink!! :D

i miss shanghai like mad!!!! :(
